During April, Studio Madhouse, a production company responsible for such works as the first season of One Punch Man, Death Note and Black Lagoon, to name a few, was brought under fire by claims of of hundreds of hours of unpaid overtime. The claim came from a production assistant who demanded to be paid for at least 393 hours, in a month, of unpaid overtime. There were also various other unmentioned harrassment claims from the assistant, who demanded an apology from the company. As the months continued no further news came from the company, in terms of any further harrassmet or overtime claims. But all of that changed with a tweet from freelance animator Mizue Ogawa.
In the tweet, as seen above, she stated "I received word from a prodiction assistant from a certain 'M' studio that he stil works at midnight.When I asked him, "Weren't there supposed to be reforms about the labor conditions?", he said that the case in question was simply the former production assistant's claim, and added that the matter was still in the middle of negotiations. in other words..nothing's ...changed at all." With that news, its very disheartening to hear that the company seems to still be practicing its poor work standards, especially while still negotiating a deal. With all of this still coming from the studio, Let us know what you think in the comments!