In 2017, manga creator Shiro Manta launched the series, My Senpai Is Annoying. The book published in the comic pool web magazine banner through the pixiv Comic website. The series has garnered a massive following for the drama and contains the added appeal of a book with full-color pages.
The series tells the story of a young lady who works in an office and is constantly annoyed by her superior. However, as time goes on, the young woman finds herself more drawn to him. The romance subplot balances out the workplace tomfoolery and hurdles of life to create a genuinely heartwarming manga.
Since its release, the series has even managed to win an award. The most prestigious has been the Tsugi ni Kuru Manga Awards in the webcomic decision, in 2018. Since then, the series has also been polished in English thought Seven Seas Entertainment.
In a recent, reveal through Manta's official Twitter, My Senpai Is Annoying will be getting its own official anime from creator Doga Kobo! Kobo is best known for working on the highly successful, Diary of our Days at the Breakwater anime.
While no official release date has been set, fans can expect to hear news soon. Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget to check out the official tweet below!
Igarashi is a hardworking young office lady. Takeda, the senpai above her at work, annoys her constantly--and yet she finds herself growing closer to him. Every day is filled with comic mishaps and romantic moments as Igarashi tries to balance work, life, and love. This full-color manga--which started its life as a webcomic--is sure to charm audiences of workplace comedies like Aggretsuko and The Office!
My Senpai Is Annoying will ship its fifth compiled volume on July 2nd, and the new anime is coming soon!