In 2014, Shueisha's Ultra Jump magazine published No Gun's Life. The series was created by Tasuku Karasuma and tells the story of a mercenary who gets paid to solve problems; the catch is that he does all of this while his head has been replaced with a gun!
The manga series has been running for over five years and is still published today. Overall, the series has released ten volumes and is one of the more successful cyberpunk series that has been released!
After the massive success of the manga, a brand new anime was announced, released by Madhouse and directed by Naoyuki Ito. Kenji Kawaii (Ghost in the Shell) has also lent his iconic sound to the anime as composer!
Initially, the first half of the 24 episode anime premiered in October of last year. The second half of the series was intended to premiere this past spring but was forced to delay the release due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to later this summer. However, the official website has revealed that the series will be returning this July!
With the series returning, and the anime streaming on Funimation, now is a great time to catch up! We would love to hear your thoughts on the new release, in the comments!
Humans that have been physically altered and turned into dangerous weapons are known as the Extended. Juuzou Inui awakens as one of these weapons—with amnesia. But his job as an agent investigating the Extended leads to a mysterious child with Extended ties showing up at his office.
No Gun's Life will return on July 9th!