Initially released in 2016-2017, Rui Tsukiyo's Redo of Healer series follows a young man who is treated like dirt by his partners in a fantasy world for being a healer and considered weak. All of that changed, however, when he received an ability that allowed him to heal the world, and thus he decided to turn the clock back four years and redo his life.
Considering the appeal of being able to redo certain mistakes in our life, the series was a bit when it released on the "Let's Be Novelists" and was later picked up and distributed through Kadokawa on the Young Ace Up website.
Now, a brand new anime has been greenlit, and on top of that, a brand new promo for the series has begun streaming as well! The opening and ending themes for the show were also announced with the OP titled "Zankoku na Yume to Nemure" (Dream a Cruel Dream) by Minami Kuribayashi, and the ending theme will be titled "Yume de Sekai wo Kaeru nara" (If You Can Change The World in a Dream) by ARCANA PROJECT.
The new revenge fantasy series looks to offer a lot of fun and excitement that fans of the genre are sure to enjoy. Make sure to check out the promo below, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the usual spot!
The "revenge fantasy" story centers on Keyarga, a healer who is used and tossed around by his fellow adventurers on the assumption that healers cannot fight on their own. However, when he achieves the ultimate healing magic, and "heals" the world itself, he goes back four years to redo his life.
Redo of Healer will premiere in Japan in January 2021!