Anime dubbing and distributing company Sentai Filmworks has announced its latest license acquisition, Dimension High School. The live-action/anime hybrid series will be distributed in the following countries: United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Portugal and other select territories. The series will be available for a winter 2019 simulcast in select digital services. As soon as more information pops up, we will let you know.
The cast includes the following young male voice actors: Takahide Ishii as Junpeiu Shiroyama, Takeo Otsuka as Ryuusei Midorigaoka, Shohei Hashimoto as Yurio Minakami, Takuma Zaiki as Tsuyoshi Kikawada and Toshiyuki Someya as Souji Momotani.
The series is directed by Yuichi Abe who also writes the script, Izumi is under character design. Izumi has worked on Takaraser Ranbu - ONLINE - and directed as well as wrote the screenplay to SD Gundam Force.
The series will have a special radio program as well. The title will be Dimension High School Self Study Room after School and will be distributed on Radio Osaka, Radio Cloud and the Nico Nico Channel URL. The radio show will air every Friday starting on October 19. The anime series has a January 2019 premiere date.
One day, on his way to high school, student Junpei picks up an unusual looking rock. Thinking nothing of it, he heads to class. While in the middle of a session, the rock comes to life and transports him and four others to an animated world! To make matters more interesting, the group is introduced to a giant sphinx who is determined to take over the world! Now, to protect their world from invasion, the group must work together as anime characters and real-world humans!
Dimension High School is out on January 10, 2019