Back in the late 80s, Hiroshi Takashige and Ryōji Minagawa launched the hit manga series, Spriggan, in Japan about a team of treasure protectors who keep ancient artifacts from those who want to use its power for evil. The series was a massive hit when it came out and has even spawned multiple spin-offs, an anime, and an anime film!
For some time now, it has been known that a brand new anime would be releasing on Netflix sometime next year, but not much else was known. It was later confirmed that David Production would be working on the seires with Hiroshi Kobayashi in the director's chair.
Now, thanks to a reveal on the Netflix Anime Festival 2020 stream, a brand new teaser trailer for the upcoming anime has been released! While short, the teaser gives a good look at what to expect from the series, which is looking to be quite faithful to the source.
There is still some time between now and the premiere, so this is a great time to learn more about the franchise! We would love to hear your thoughts on the series or the trailer in the comments below!
A great civilization once existed on this Earth. Possessing knowledge and scientific prowess far exceeding that of modern man, the relics of this ancient civilization remain hidden across this world even now. As high-speed communication networks cover the globe and the peering eyes of satellites are able to expose all secrets, the armies of great nations clash as they seek to uncover and research these artifacts, which possess an unfathomable ""power."" A member of this ancient civilization carved a message into a plate: ""Protect our relics from evil-doers."" Taking this message to heart, one organization aims to seal away this ancient civilization for good. The elite secret agents of this organization are known as... Spriggans.
Spriggan will premiere on Netflix in 2021!