In 2017, Ryōma Kitada launched the manga Dokyū Hentai HxEros in the pages of Shueisha's Jump SQ magazine. Still in publication today, the series has released its tenth volume this past July.
The story of the series follows a group of people who defend the earth from alien threats who steal a racy energy called "H energy" from innocents. While the manga has only been around for a few years, the franchise even launched a brand new anime directed by Akitomo Yamamoto over at Project No.9.
Recently, following the release of the anime, SUPER HEXEROES: "H"EROES SAVE THE WORLD, the team has revealed on the show's official Twitter, that it's 8th episode will be held back. In its stead, a special episode titled Episode 7.5 'HXEROES Report will be airing.
Will you be catching the new special episode? We would love to hear your thoughts on the series in the comments below!
The manga's story begins when an unknown invader known as the "Kiseichū" (wordplay on the Japanese word for "parasite") invades Earth and begins robbing people of the source of their erotic "H energy," depriving them of the will to live. Retto Enjō, a high school boy, joins the hero organization HxEros, and alongside four beautiful high school girls, will save the Earth from the alien threat.
Episode 7.5 'HXEROES Report of SUPER HEXEROES: "H"EROES SAVE THE WORLD will release next week!