In the early 90's, creator Masaki Kajishima and his partner Horoki Hayashi brought the OVA series Tenchi Muyo! Ryo Ohki to life. The series tells the story of a young man named Masaki Tenchi, who lives an ordinary life, however his lineage is anything but. Being the heir of the Masaki shrine, he accidentally releases a demon, named Ryoko. This awakening brings her the mortal nemesis, Ayeka, to Tenchi and begins his out of this world journey. The series was such a success, it spawned multiple light novels, mangam video games, films and anime.
Originally released in 1992, Tenchi Muyo! Ryo Ohki, has had multiple seasons released over the past 20 years. The second OVA released on September 26th, 1994; exactly two years from its original airdate. The third OVA released 8 years later, in 2003 and the fourth released 13 years later, in 2016. The fifth and most recent OVA released this past February and has been continuing to release new episodes.
In recent news, the streaming service, Crunchyroll, has announced that the fourth series of the OVA, Tenchi Muyo! Ryo Ohki Dai-4-Ki, is set to stream on the site! The service has already been streaming the 5th series as it releases, meaning that now fans can atleast watch the previous season to catch up on anything missed. As of now, there are no plans to release the other OVA's on the site, but with the 4th released, there could still be hope for the future.
Excited to catch up on the previous series? Big fan of Tenchi Muyo!? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments! The 4th OVA is set to stream on Crunchyroll worldwide, this Tuesday at 2pm EDT!