From 1975 to 1977, Yasutaka Tsutsui launched the serialized novel series, Wealthy Detective. The novels were some of Japan's best mystery series while having not had any anime adaptions in decades. This all changed, however, in 2020.
With director Tomohiko Ito (Sword Art Online), writer Taku Kishimoto (Haikyu!!), and many others, studio CloverWorks decided to bring the Wealthy Detective title to the modern-day with, The Millionaire Detective - Balance: Unlimited. The new show features a story set in the modern-day, as the wealthy detective is partnered with a member of the "Modern Crimes Task Unit."
The Sherlock Holmes style of detective partners is a time tested successful story strategy that worlds just as well in this series. The anime initially premiered on April 9th and ran for the first two episodes before the COVID-19 pandemic forced the series to go on hiatus.
Thankfully, the wait, while longer than desired, is finally over! After an announcement from Aniplex of America, The Millionaire Detective - Balance: Unlimited is finally returning this July, first with the reairing of the first two episodes and then with the continuation of the series by the end of the month.
With the return of the stylish anime, the detective work continues! Don't forget to catch up on the previously released episodes and make sure to share your thoughts on the series return in the usual spot!
The story follows the incredibly wealthy Daisuke Kanbe (Yūsuke Ōnuki), who audaciously solves cases in unconventional ways. Whereas Tsutsui serialized the original novel from 1975 to 1977, the anime moves the setting into the modern-day. Kanbe is assigned to the "Modern Crimes Task Unit" — a unit created to keep problematic officers away from others. There, Kanbe becomes partners with Haru Katō (Mamoru Miyano).
The Millionaire Detective - Balance: Unlimited is set to return with its first episode on July 16th, and then the new episodes resume on July 30th!