In 2004, Tomihiko Morimi released the novel, The Tatami Galaxy. The novel told the story of a young girl who always fantasizes about joining other groups of college students during her time in school. While thinking of these multiple lives, she could have lived; things start to get a little bit more hectic than she expected.
The original novel was such a hit that Funimation later released an 11-episode anime of the same name. The series was released in 2010 and was adapted by Masaaki Yuasa. The series has also streamed on Crunchyroll, before being taken off the platform, in 2018.
The anime helped to keep the classic novel in the public consciousness with its unique linework and bright colors. As time passed, many fans never expected a continuation of the story, until now!
Based on a stage play by Morimi's friend Makoto Ueda, Summer Time Machine Blues, Morimi decided to continue the original novel with the sequel Tatami Time Machine Blues. The sequel continues the story, 16 years after the original, the protagonist from the original novel finds herself in a time-traveling conundrum to save a remote control from being destroyed.
The sequel looks to be a welcome addition from the original, and could hopefully even spawn another anime! Make sure to share your thoughts on the new novel in the usual spot!
In the sequel novel's story, The Tatami Galaxy protagonist's trouble-making friend Ozu gets the student apartments' only air conditioner remote control wet, breaking it on a certain midsummer day. The students wonder what to do about the situation for the remainder of the summer and make a plan with Akashi. An unstylish male student from 25 years in the future arrives in a time machine. The protagonist travels back in time to try to retrieve the remote control before it is broken.
Summer Time Machine Blues release on July 29th!