In 2016 the marionette based martial arts series, Thunderbolt Fantasy was released. The series is credited to creator Gen Urobuchi (Psycho-Pass, Fate/Zero) who worked on many scripts and was also chief supervisor of the series. The show was praised by fans and by its second year, released its first film, Thunderbolt Fantasy: The Sword of Life and Death. Since then the series has been a major hit with fans.
After its first season, the series spawned a second season and another film, Thunderbolt Fantasy: Bewitching Melody of the West, which was streamed on Crunchyroll, this past October. With the films recent release, this caused a stirring of when to expect a brand new season for the series, as not much news had been given out, since its announcement in 2018. Thankfully, fans now have the best possible glimpse of what to expect from the third season.
Recently, a brand new promo for the series' third season was released. The video showcases brand new footage from the Taiwanese company working on the series, Pili. The video will give fans a glimpse of what to expect from the new season. Make sure to check it out below!
Excited for the new season? Want to watch more of the show? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! Thunderbolt Fantasy sesaon 3 is coming soon!