When the first season of the Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy launched with Siege anime released, the much more serious take on the franchise was greeted with enormous praise and positive feedback. The show follows the beginning of the end for Cybertron and follows the heroic efforts of the Autobots against her totalitarian power of Megatron and his Decepticons.
The show gave unique takes on Optimus Prime, now a young leader unsure of his capability to win the war, and Bumblebee, who begins unaffiliated and just trying to survive in a war-torn planet. While only six episodes, the season managed to get the Autobots on a collision course with their next destination, Earth.
During Hasbro's new virtual event, Hasbro Pulse Con 2020, the third leg of the toyline was unveiled titled Kingdom; and also teased the next season of the series, Earthrise! The new footage introduces a group of mercenaries that include Exhaust and the Go-Bot, Bug Bite!
Not much is known yet on how much time the show will spend on earth, but no matter what, the story seems to be just as well written as the first season. Make sure to check out the trailer below, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
With the Allspark gone, Megatron is forced to confront the harsh reality that his Decepticons are trapped on a dying Cybertron. Meanwhile, lost in the darkest reaches of space, Optimus Prime and his team embark on a desperate mission, unexpectedly running into ... the spacefaring Mercenaries.
Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy - Earthrise is coming soon to Netflix!