This past year saw the release of the Netflix original anime, Transformers War for Cybertron trilogy - Siege. The series is based on the newly released toyline from Hasbro and chronicles the final days of the war on Cybertron before the Autobots and Decepticons flee to a new home.
When the show was released, it was greeted with rave reviews praising the story and its ability to be fresh while never forgetting the inspirations from the 80s; and its CG animation, which gave a unique look to the robots in disguise. As the toy line continues the trilogy into its upcoming third installment, Kingdom; its second chapter, Earthrise, is about to make its way to screens as well.
For some time now, fans have known that the next chapter would be coming, thanks to a lengthy trailer released a few months ago, but there has been no confirmation of a release date until now, thanks to Netflix's official Twitter. According to a short promo video, the series has been confirmed to continue at the end of December!
There is no confirmation at this point on if Earthrise will be a two-part season or the standard one, but no matter what, the adventures of the Autobots and Decepticons will be ready to roll out in just over a month! We would love to hear your thoughts on the series and new trailer in the comments below!
With the Allspark gone, Megatron is forced to confront the harsh reality that his Decepticons are trapped on a dying Cybertron. Meanwhile, lost in the darkest reaches of space, Optimus Prime and his team embark on a desperate mission, unexpectedly running into the spacefaring Mercenaries.
Transformers War For Cybertron Trilogy - Earthrise is coming to Netflix on December 30th!