One of Kyoto Animation's highest-rated shows, Violet Evergarden, has been enjoyed by fans all around the world. A story of rebuilding lives and finding love was initially created as a novel by Kana Akatsuki and illustrator Akiko Takase that was released back in 2015.
Since the novel series was such a success, it was later greenlit for an anime that was released back in 2018. The series was such a hit that it even managed to reach a wider audience after being able to stream the show on Netflix! Now, it's looking like fans of the series will be able to add the series to their collection of favorite anime!
According to Funimation, the series would release as a Blu-Ray/DVD box set that will include way more than just the 13 episode series. Along with the English and Japanese translations, the limited edition box set also contains a fantastic slipcover, four art cards, a sticker sheet, and even a 200-page art book!
Below is a concept of what the box set could look like, and while there is no option to order, just yet, more news will more than likely arrive sooner rather than later. Make sure to check it out below, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
The war is over, and Violet Evergarden needs a job. Scarred and emotionless, she takes a job as a letter writer to understand herself and her past.
Violet Evergarden's anime box set is set to release later this year!