Keisuke Itagaki's manga series, Grappler Baki, initially saw its release in 1991. Little did anyone know, the series would explode into a decade's long franchise that features the main character of Baki fighting many powerful opponents.
Over its many years in publication, the franchise has had many manga and OVAs released, along with a video game and anime series. The most recent iteration of the series is developed by TMS Entertainment and is streaming on Netflix.
The most recent series has seen a surge in fans, due to the broader audience. The anime released its first season in two parts and then The Great Raittai Tournament Saga as its special season. The most recent summer release has been a success for the series on Netflix.
After the streaming service release, there was a wonder of if the season would be released on regular television in Japan. Well, thanks to a newly released trailer from the show's official website, it looks like that question has been answered!
The new Baki series has been a significant success now, more than ever, for fans of the fighting genre. Make sure to give the new trailer a look, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
The protagonist, Baki Hanma, trains with an intense focus to become strong enough to surpass his father, Yujiro Hanma, the strongest fighter in the world. Five of the world's most violent and brutal death row inmates are gathering to face Baki. Their objective is to taste defeat -- their unmatched strength and skill have led them to grow bored of life itself, and they now seek out Baki in the hopes that he can overwhelm and utterly crush them.
In this crisis, other underground martial art warriors gather to fight by Baki's side: Kaoru Hanayama, Gouki Shibukawa, Retsu Kaioh, and Doppo Orochi. An epic showdown between violent death row inmates and Baki and his friends begins!
Baki: The Great Raittai Tournament Saga will release, in Japan, on July 6th!