In 2015, Shinya Komi and HiRock released the manga series EX-ARM. The series began with a young man who was hit by a car and later reawakened in the future with a weapon called an EX-ARM, that replaced his hand. From that point forward, the young man, named Akira, joins forces with the EX-ARM countermeasure division of the police to reclaim his original body and memories. The series released in Shueisha's Grand Jump magazine and was moved to the Shonen Jump+ app. The seires was such a success that it even spawned a sequel series; EX-ARM EXA.
For a time after the conclusion of the manga, the series was announced to have its own anime series in development. While no major announcements were made, a teaser was released after its announcement at the end of the 12th compiled volume of the series. The production has been kept tightly under wraps, for the time being, but some key visuals and synopsis have been released that give an idea of what to expect from the series, which seems to be an incredibly faithful adaption of the original work.
As the COVID-19 pandemic began to make its way through the country, many projects and producitons have been forced to delay or postpone its work. Recently, it was revealed that even the development of EX-ARM has been affected. Through the anime's official website, the production committee stated that due to the effects of the virus, they are committed to producing high quality work, but have to keep their employees safe. Originally slated to release in July, it appears the anime may not premiere until late "fall 2020 or later."
Sad that another project has been delayed? In no rush to see the show as of yet? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot! EX-ARM's premiere date will be announced as soon as it has been decided.