After rumblings of a continuations surfaced back in December, Shinchosha has confirmed that new material from The Twelve Kingdoms is on the way. Four new volumes will be released, with two hitting retailer shelves on October 12 and another pair dropping on November 9.
Ono and Yamada originally began their much loved light novel series in 1992 and originally wrapped it up in 2001 at 6 volumes. However, in 2012, the creatives returned with a collection of spin-offs/short stories set within different kingdoms of the series. The new light novle will focus on the Kingdom of Tai.
Studio Perrot produced a 45-episode TV anime adapation that ran from April 2002 to August 2003. After being out of circulation for a number of years, Discotek Media will be releasing a complete blu-ray set of the series on May 28, 2019. News of fresh light novels has fans hoping for a continuation of the anime.
Youko Nakajima has only ever wanted to be normal. She does what she is asked, gets good grades, is the class president, and even helps her classmates whenever she can—but because of her red hair, she has never fit in. With her pushover attitude, Youko lets classmates take advantage of her, so she has nobody she can really call a friend.
But on an otherwise ordinary day, a man who claims to be from another world barges into Youko's classroom and bows before her. This elegant blond-haired man, Keiki, claims that Youko is his master and belongs on the throne of his kingdom. However, their first meeting is cut short as Keiki has been followed by otherworldly beasts called youma. He is able to escape with Youko into his own realm, but two other classmates—Ikuya Asano and Yuka Sugimoto—are caught up in the madness as well. Unfortunately, their troubles have only just begun, as the youma attack leaves them separated from Keiki. Alone in this strange new land, these ordinary students must learn to fend for themselves or die.