Gunsmith Cats is a 1991 manga series from Kenichi Sonoda that ran until 1997 and consisted of 8 volumes. A sequel, titled Gunsmith Cats Burst was released in 2004 and lasted for 6 volumes. In North America, Dark Horse Comics is the home of the English-translated edition.
In 1995, an OVA trilogy from Studio OLM was released and has become something of a cult favorite in the anime fandom due to its use of the Shelby Cobra Mustang GT and the extensive array of real guns. The story also takes place in Chicago, which is likely the reason why the new short is premiering at Anime Central.
Shuzilow.HA is succeeding Takeshi Mori as the director on the new project.
AnimeEigo is planning a KickStarter campaign for a blu-ray release of the series and it's likely the new anime short will be bonus content or a stretch goal of some sort.
Anime Central runs May18-20 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare in Rosemont, IL.