The anime series adaptation Hortensia SAGA by Linden Films was announced in December 2019 and aired from January to March 2021. The series was directed by Yasuto Nishikata and written by Rintarō Ikeda, with the character design being handled by Takayuki Onoda and music by Zenta. Funimation licensed the series and streamed it on its website earlier this year. The English Dub was announced on October 29, 2021 and premiered the following day.
The English voice cast for the 12 series adaptation includes Christ Hackney (Tower of God), Laura Stahl (The Promised Neverland) and DC Douglas (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure).
Hortensia SAGA is a medieval fantasy tale of chaos and war. Set in the kingdom of Hortensia, a nation which has been at peace for almost 700 years, peacefully protected by the states of Olivier and Camellia. Now, on the 5th day of the 12th month in the King's Calendar year of 767, Camellia suddenly slams into violent rebellion and monstorous demons come upon them. The kingdom of Hortensia finds itself in the middle of this war slung countryside. Hiding in the guise of a man, the original heir to the throne has secretly come of age, she and her loyal band begin the quest to save her homeland. The Hortensia SAGA follows a group of young noble knights whos lives are caught up in this tragic conflict.