The upcoming comedy romance anime adaptation of author tugeneko's manga series, How clumsy you are, Miss Euno, has revealed its opening theme (along with the performer) and three new voice actors joining the cast. Here are the new voice actors and the characters they are playing:
From left to right in the image below
Nochika Ohmori as Mizuna Tanaka
Miku Ito as Yomogi Tanaka
Shiori Izawa as Tamon
Tomohiro Yamanashi is directing the anime and is under series composition, Ayano Owada performs the character design, Yasuhiro Misawa produces the music and Lesprit is the studio animating the project. The voice cast consists of: Yuu Serizawa as Ueno, Aimi Tanaka as Tanaka and Akari Kageyama as Yamashita.
The manga series has been publishing since February 2015 and has a total of 4 volumes out right now. Hakusensha publishes it under the Young Animal magazine. The fourth volume of the series came out on May 29, 2018 and can be found in Japanese in Amazon.