Studio Seven will be releasing an anime adaptation of the comedy web manga for the Spring 2019 anime season. Ken Wakai's web series is unique because it's entirely free of dialogue and relies on the art to tell the story. Studio Seven will be releasing the anime adaptation as 5-minute shorts.
An English-translated version of the manga is available on the Crunchyroll Manga app. Given that pre-existing relationship, it seems rather likely that the anime will also stream on Crunchyroll.
One thing's for sure, this anime will be an easy role for the voice actors as they'll only have to go into the studio to records gasps, grunts and other noises.
Who needs dialog when you're this cute? The beautiful (but unlucky) Momoko, the cool, collected Shibumi, and the refreshingly innocent Mayumi star in a "silent manga." No speeches, no dialog! Just pictures, sound effects, and three high school girls living their daily lives.