The official Magical Girl Special Ops Asuka website has shared two new characters joining their show as well as their designs. The anime adaptation of authors Makoto Fukami and Seigo Tokiya's manga series has revealed that Tamara Volkova and Rau Peipei will be joining the roster.
The series has a January 11, 2019 release date and will be broadcasted in the following networks: MBS, TBS, CBC, BS-TBS, AT-X and Amazon Prime Video. The series is animated by LIDENFILMS. M.A.O. is interpreting Tamara Volkova and Yoko Hikasa is playing Rau Peipei.
Aya Suzaki as Asuka Ootorii
Ayana Taketatsu as Chisato Yonamine
Akira Sekine as Kurumi Mugen
Eriko Matsui as Mia Cyrus
Directed by Hideyo Yamamoto
Norimitsu Kaihou is under series composition
Makoto Fukami is the original creator
Ron produces the music.
The manga that inspired this anime is written by Makoto Fukami, illustrated by Seigo Tokiya and Square Enix has been publishing it in the Monthly Big Gangan since June 2015 with 14 chapters out right now. Seven Seas Entertainment has the North American license. The manga's volumes 1 through 8 are on sale now.
Due to the invasion of Disas—enigmatic creatures of soil from the land of the dead—mankind, who was on the verge of crisis, was saved by the efforts of magical girls who had obtained a mysterious magical power...
Three years later, new incidents suddenly occur, tearing apart the normalcy of the girls who had each returned to their normal lives. The saviours of humanity, those magical girls called "The Magical Five" now live each day fighting for their lives, even as they are trifled with by fate...
Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka hits screens on January 12, 2019