The upcoming magic series, Magical Girl Special Ops Asuka, has shared the official design of Sayako Hata (played by Chinami Hashimoto) and Nozomi Makino (played by Rie Takahashi). The picture below has both the characters and their voice actors on it. The picture has a report theme, making it look like an official paper given in the anime.
The confirmed voice cast apart from these new members is: Aya Suzaki as Asuka Ootorii, Ayana Taketatsu as Chisato Yonamine, Akira Sekine as Kurumi Mugen and Eriko Matsui as Mia Cyrus. The series is directed by Hideyo Yamamoto, Norimitsu kaihou is under series composition, Makoto Fukami is the original creator and Ron produces the music.
The series has a January 2019 release date and is animated by LIDENFILMS. The manga that inspired this anime has been publishing since June 2015 and has 14 chapters out right now. The manga is written by Makoto Fukami and drawn by Seigo Tokiya. Big Gangan does the serialization.