March comes in like a Lion follows the story of
Rei, a player of Shogi, goes through his life as we follow the relationships he builds with his neighbors
Hinata and
Momo. While it may not be a series of large battles as other anime can be; it does hold a large number of life lessons that viewers can really identify with. While the second was aired in October on
NHK; it has taken almost a year for the series to get a home release. Luckily we can eexpect the release in the coming months! Now, thanks to
Aniplex of America, an English dub trailer has been released for the second season. Feel free to check it out below.
Expect the home release of the second season to release of
March comes in like a Lion, in two parts. The first part will release on December 18th and part two will release on April 9th. Excited to get into the English dub of the series? Share your thoughts in the usual spot!