MARS Red TV anime, an adaptation of the Bun'ō Fujisawa dramatic stage reading has released its first teaser trailer. There's a whole lot of motionless backgrounds and scenes with characters standing perfectly still while only their lips move. However, the series has a 2021 release date so the project just might not be far enough along in production to release an explosive, action-packed trailer. Furthermore, with conventions being canceled and anime series being delayed due to the coronavirus, who knows if the project is still on schedule.
Still, the synopsis provided by Funimation is very interesting and describes something akin to a militaristic take on
Blood-C. We also have to admit that while there's not a lot of movement, the art style is rather impressive. Stay tuned to Anime Mojo for future updates on the project.
MARS RED takes place in 1923, and vampires have existed for quite a while. But now, the number of vampires is increasing and a mysterious, artificial blood source called Ascra has appeared.
The Japanese government, in turn, creates “Code Zero,” a unit within the army tasked with taking down the vampiric forces. And what better way to track vampires than by using vampires?
Created by Lieutenant General Nakajima, this unit has historically been in the business of information war, but has been re-assigned to solve the vampire crisis. It's up to Code Zero and the S-class vampire Deffrot to investigate this increase and put a stop to it before society crumbles.