Netflix has optioned an anime adaptation of a Walking Dead-esque manga series that imagines a world ravage by a mysterious disease called Cagaster that turns humans into giant, carnivorous insects. The story follows a young "exterminator" (individuals tasked with killing the giant insects) who stumbles upon a dying man and his daughter and his quest to reunite the daughter with her mother.
Interestingly enough, in the manga, the daughter is fairly young but the official Netflix description for the show describes them as a couple.
The manga has a bit of a rags-to-riches story as the author, Kachō Hashimoto, originally self-publishes the series on his own personal website, beginning in 2005. By 2010, the series had a bit of a following and the author was able to sell it as doujinshi at the Summer and Winter Comikets. Tokuma Shoten then licensed the manga and have released 7 volumes to date.
Set in a post-apocalyptic world where a mysterious disease “Cagaster” turns people into giant murderous insects, this manga-based series follows the struggle of a young couple to stay alive.