Aya Kanno's ongoing manga series Requiem of the Rose King (Bara-Ō no Sōretsu), loosely based on Shakespeare's Richard III and Henry VI, Part 3 is receing a TV anime adaptation. The news was confirmed in a television promo for the manga series' upcoming 14th volume, which will be released in Japan tomorrow, September 16 (technically today due to the time difference).
Kanno is best known as the former manga assistant to Yuma Ando of Psychometrer Eiji fame. Prior to Soretsu, Kanno has released six other shojo series but Requiem of the Rose King is her most popular work to date. The series is currently serialized in Akita Shoten's Princess magazine, which is aimed at teenage girls.
VIZ Media holds the North American license for the series and has released 12 volumes to date.
Given the manga's Shakespearean influence, the anime will most likely draw comparisons to Romeo x Juliet, Zetsuen no Tempest, Divine Gate and Copernico. At this early juncture, we don't have details on a studio, staff or release date but with the volume's release today, expect additonal information to be revealed in the coming days.
Having taken care of Hastings’s interference, Richard and his allies consolidate power. Meanwhile, King Edward V’s coronation day is decided. For entertainment, a hunt is arranged, but behind the scenes the king and the royal princes have concocted a dastardly plot!