The 12-episode anime adaptation Show By Rock!! Stars!! English Dub was released on February 24, 2022 through the streaming service of Funimation. This is the fourth season of the series which began airing January 2021 and is based on the mobile rhythm video game Show By Rock!! developed and published by Geechs.
The series was directed by Takahiro Ikezoe and Daigo Yamagishi at studio Kinema Citrus. Yasuharu Takanashi, Funta7, and Akiya Suzuki returned to compose the series' music.
The list of voice actors includes Howan being voiced by Macy Anne Johnson, Himeko by Giovannie Cruz, Emi Lo voicing Delmin, Lindsay Sheppard as Ruhuyu and Bryn Apprill as Cyan.
The full Show By Rock!! collection is now available on Funimation in English Dub or Sub!