Sorcerous Stabber Orphen originally began 25 years ago and was written by Yoshinobu Akita and illustrated by Yuuya Kusaka. The light novel series tells the story of a powerful and lazy sorcerer, named Orphen, who will stop at nothing to save his sister who turned into a dragon. With the anime currently airing, the series has a special plan for the anniversary.
With 25 years of the light novel series, the anniversary is planning to be special, with a brand new announcement for the anime. The series recently announced that a second stage of the series is coming and will be covering the "Battle of Kimluck Arc". A teaser to the arc was also revealed that can be viewed below.
With Studio Deen behind the production of the series, the quality has never faltered and season 1 is even available on Funimation right now. The second stage is in production as well, with plans to release soon but no official date has been given.
Excited for the next season? Ready for more magic and action? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Make sure to keep watching Sorcerous Stabber Orphen and stay tuned for news on the next arc!