The ongoing, seinen-supernatural manga series from Kafka Asagiri and Sango Harukawa will receive another anime adaptation. A split cour, 24-episode anime season began airing in the Spring 2016 anime season. Following its conclusion, an anime film was released in Japanese theaters on March 3, 2018.
Now, the official Bungo Stray Dogs Twitter account has confirmed that a new TV anime season is forthcoming.
The ongoing manga series currently stands at 14 volumes and is published in Kadokawa Shoten's Young Ace manga magazine in Japan. Yen Press publishes the English version in North America.
To date, there have been two stage plays, a smartphone video game and an OVA.
Bungo Stray Dogs Synopsis
Nakajima Atsushi was kicked out of his orphanage, and now he has no place to go and no food. While he is standing by a river, on the brink of starvation, he rescues a man whimsically attempting suicide. That man is Dazai Osamu, and he and his partner Kunikida are members of a very special detective agency. They have supernatural powers and deal with cases that are too dangerous for the police or the military. They're tracking down a tiger that has appeared in the area recently, around the time Atsushi came to the area. The tiger seems to have a connection to Atsushi, and by the time the case is solved, it is clear that Atsushi's future will involve much more of Dazai and the rest of the detectives!