A Certain Scientific Accelerator is a spinoff manga series from the main A Certain Magical Index light novel series written by Kazuma Kamachi and illustrated by Kiyotaka Haimura. The spinoff manga is also written by Kamachi and illustrated by Arata Yamaji, and is serialized in the Dengeki Daioh manga magazine. To date, there have been 9 collected volumes released. Seven Seas Entertainment owns the North American licensing rights and have released the first 8 volumes.
Studio J.C. Staff will be handling an anime adaptation of the spinoff, which will mark the the third main anime from the franchise, following Magical Index and A Certain Scientific Railgun.
Accelerator follows the most powerful esper in Academy City (named Accelerator) and the new conflict between Last Order and a new sinsiter organization Disciplinary Action.
The TV anime adaptation will premiere on July 12 and is directed by Nobuharu Kamanaka.