website for a new Sorcerous Stabber Orphen TV anime just went live. The series will be released in 2019 as part of the 25th Anniversary of the release of the light novel series written by Yoshinobu Akita and illustrated by Yuuya Kusaka.
A 24-episode anime adaptation from Studio J.C. Staff originally began airing in 1998 and was followed by a sequel series in 1999. The light novel series concluded in 2003 after 20 volumes.
Over on the website, both Akita and Kusaka expressed their surprise at the new anime with Akita jokingly stating that he broke out into a cold sweat when he realized that something he wrote over 20 years ago would be adapted.
For a lot of Western anime fans, Orphen was the first anime they ever watched so the news is being met with equal parts joy and trepidation.