official website for the upcoming anime adaptation of of Kiri Wazawa's The Morose Mononokean (Fukigen na Mononokean) manga recently announced that the show will premiere on June 28th. Prior to that broadcast date, Episodes 1 and 2 have already been shown at a special fan screening at United Cinema Toyosu in Tokyo on June 4, 2016. Voice actors Tomoaki Maeno and Yuuki Kaji will perform the ED theme "Tobira no Mukō" (On the Other Side of the Door) as their respective characters, Haruitsuki Abeno and Hanae Ashiya. The full voice cast is as follows [
via ANN]:
Tomoaki Maeno as Haruitsuki Abeno
Yuuki Kaji as Hanae Ashiya.
Ayahi Takagaki as Zenko Fujiwara
Ikue Otani as Yahiko
Yōko Hikasa as Kōra
Chinami Hashimoto as Shizuku
Junichi Suwabe as Rippō
Fumihiko Tachiki as Gigigi no Oyabun
Kazuya Ichijou as Mitsuchigura
Masaki Terasoma as Manjirō
Kishō Taniyama as Jōmatsu
Saori Ōnishi as Anmo-hime
Nobuo Tobita as Nobō
Tomomichi Nishimura as Okina
Kotono Mitsuishi as Tomori
Pierrot Plus is the animatino studio. They've hired Akira Iwanaga (Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee) to direct and Takao Yoshioka (Your Lie in April) to supervise the script. The Super Ball will make their debut with the show's OP, "Tomodachi Meter" (Friend Meter).
Fukigen na Mononokean - The duty of the morose guide who leads mononoke from one world to the next. Ashiya has spent the first seven days of high school stuck in the infirmary because of a youkai attaching itself to him. He ends up asking the owner of a small tea room called the "Mononokean" for help. This is volume 1 of the mysterious stories involving the very morose owner of Mononokean guiding the youkai that happened to wander into this world go to the next world.