Nearly 26 years after the Sorcerous Stabber Orphen light novel series debuted, a new TV anime series from Studio Deen premiered its first episode yesterday. According to the official website, the anime will run for 13 episodes, with an extra, unaired episode being exclusive to the home video release. Funimation and Hulu are simulcasting the series as it airs in Japan so there’s an outside chance that the extra episode will turn up on one or both of the streaming platforms.
The 20 volume light novel series from writer Yoshinobu Akita and illustrator Yuuya Kusaka certainly provides enough source material for more than 14 episodes. The original 1998 TV anime consisted of 26 episodes and still didn’t cover the entire story. In addition, there have been several spinoff and sequel light novel series over the years. Recently, Akita wrote new prequel light novel to commemorate the series 25th Anniversary, which was released on Christmas.
From Studio DEEN (Fate/stay night) comes a remake celebrating the 25th anniversary of the series! Orphen is a powerful sorcerer who is notoriously lazy. Everything changes when he finds a way to save his sis, who was turned into a dragon during their days at magic academy. Betrayed by friends who refused to help, Orphen will stop at nothing to track her down, even if he has to go it alone.