In 2012, Aneko Yusagi released the light novel series, The Rising of the Shield Hero. The series tells the story of Naofumi Iwatami, a young man who, along with three others, is chosen from another dimension to fight hordes of monsters called wave. Wheer every hero gets offensive weapons, Naofumi gets a shield. From this point forward he is given a string of bad luck that involves him being robbed and disgraced and accused of assault, by the princess of the kingdom. However, his luck begins to change as he picks up a slave girl and a bird creature. Together they grow as better heroes and grow their trust. The series was such a hit, it later got a manga and anime adaption, which also got positive reviews.
One of the more unique iteratoins has been the stage play adaption of the series. The play is directed by Ken Ougida and originall had performances scheduled from March 27th to the 29th at COOL JAPAN PARK OSAKA TT Hall in Osaks and on April 2nd to the 12th at the Theater Sun Mall in Tokyo. However, the shows were postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Due to the fact that no new dates have been set yet, the decision was made that the stage play would release with a no-audience showing; for home video release. The performance is able to be preordered through the Scissors Blitz website for 7,000 yen for the DVD and 7,500 yen for the Blu-ray. A new trailer was also released featuring some footage, that can be viewed below. Make sure to check it out!
Excited for the home video release? Planning on pre-ordering? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! The Rising of the Shield Hero no-audience play is available for pre-order now and will ship on September 2020!