Signal 100, Miyatsuki and Kondo's 4-volume manga was published in Shonen Gahousha's Young Animal from 2015 to 2016 and follows a group of high school students who suddenly find themselves hypnotized. Doing any of the normal teenage activities such as using a cell phone, crying or taking a selfie could trigger the hypnosis, which causes its victim to commit suicide. The manga takes its name from the fact that there are 100 triggers or signals that can cause the students to want to harm themselves. The only way to snap someone out of their hypnosis is for another student to die, creating a twisted game where survival depends on being ruthless.
The Toei-produced film will hit Japanese theaters on January 24, 2020.
A group of high school students were spending their peaceful days freely until they have been chosen as the participants of the game where everyone is being hypnotized until they commit suicide. No one is safe from a sudden death, so what will they do to avoid their fates? EditBackground