The upcoming anime series, My Home Hero, is based on the crime and suspense manga that was written by Naoki Yamakawa and illustrated by Masashi Asaki. A new, gritty preview video for the show has just been released. This video features the animes opening theme song for the series, which is titled "Ai no Uta" ("Love Song") and is performed by Chiai Fujikawa!
Check out one of the visuals for the series below!
The My Home Hero TV anime is directed by Takashi Kamei and features animation production by Tezuka Productions. The series will begin broadcasting in Japan on April 2, 2023, and it will also stream on Crunchyroll as part of the spring 2023 anime lineup.
The trailer was announced via the anime's official twitter account. Check it out below!
The original My Home Hero manga is serialized in Japan by Kodansha in their Weekly Young Magazine seinen manga publication, and an English language version is also available from Kodansha USA, who describe the story as follows:
Tetsuo Tosu is a typical father whose biggest worries are his job and his rebellious daughter, Reika. That is, until he finds a bruise on her face. His worst fears come true when he finds out she has a secret boyfriend...and he's part of a crime ring that's using her to steal her grandparent's wealth. If that wasn't bad enough, the thug catches Tetsuo snooping around and threatens to kill Reika as soon as she gets home. Fueled by fatherly instincts, Tetsuo murders the man...only for his wife to walk in and witness what he's done. Now with a corpse to hide and a crime ring hot on his tail, Tetsuo must resort to his love of detective novels and his wits to stay one step ahead of a grim fate...
Let us know your thoughts about the new promo video for the series in the comments below!