In the upbeat and credit-free opening animation sequence for the upcoming TV anime series Skip and Loafer, adolescence is depicted as being both exuberant and a little bit awkward. This depiction of adolescence is reminiscent of the period of life known as "the awkward years." Skip and Loafer is based on the high school romantic comedy manga written by Misaki Takamatsu.
The official opening theme music for the series is titled "Mellow," and it is performed by Keina Suda. You can check out the music video below!
An original Japanese version of the Skip and Loafer manga is currently being published in Kodansha's Monthly Afternoon manga magazine. Seven Seas Entertainment also publishes an English translation of the manga. Kotomi Deai is responsible for the adaptation's writing and directing, and P.A. Works is in charge of the animation production for the television anime.
Not familiar with Skip and Loafer? Crunchyroll describes the series below:
Iwakura Mitsumi graduated from a small middle school in the countryside and entered a top-tier high school in Tokyo at the head of the class. This child prodigy, who moved to Tokyo alone with a perfect life plan, is smart and gets good grades... but her social understanding isn't quite on the same wavelength as others. This means that she sometimes makes mistakes, but her easygoing nature sways her classmates little by little, and all their different personalities are coming together before they know it. They meet and gradually come to know each other, and before long they understand each other well. Everyone experiences pent-up feelings and frustrations, but it is our friends who give us a chance at mutual understanding. This story may start out with some discord, but it becomes a happy school-life comedy before you know it!
Skip and Loafer will broadcast in Japan on TOKYO MX and other stations beginning on April 5, 2023, and it will also stream on Crunchyroll as part of the spring 2023 anime simulcast lineup.
Let us know your thoughts about the music video for the opening theme song for the series in the comments below!