Kyoto Animation, as a studio, has dealt with some severe loss and setbacks in the past few years. After the deadly arson attack on the studio, many shows and film projects were put on hold. One such film was Violet Evergarden: The Movie, based on Kana Akatsuki and Akiko Takase's novel series of the same name. The series itself has had a side sotry anime released and has built a loyal following.
The most recent film had, originally, planned for a release on January 10th of this year but was postponed. The latest release date was set for April 24th, however, with concerns over the current COVID-19 pandemic; those plans have changed yet again.
As of now the film has been postponed but with no other release date being set. This puts the project in a bit of a limbo until another new release date has been set. While this can come as a blow to fans, Kyoto Animation made this decision, much like many other companies in the world, because they want to keep their supporters safe. While no new date has been set, the minute one is, they will let the masses know.
Sad to see the film postponed? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section. Make sure to stay tuned in for any further updates on Violet Evergarden: The Movie.