In 2019, the animated film Weathering with You released. The film was directed by Makoto Shinkai and was a massive hit among fans and viewers. The film was one of the highest rated animated films in the country and, to this day, is still talked about. While everyone knew that eventually the film would get a home video release, more details have been released, in regards to that.
The film plans on having multiple versions for fans to get their hands on, including Blu-Ray/ DVD and 4K UHD collector's editions. One of the special features includes an 11 hour documentary on the making of the film. The documentary will be on the 4K UHD collectors edition. This edition will also feature a cover that has been illustrated by director Makoto Shinkai.
Recently, TOHO Animation has released a six minute preview of the documentary that features a ton of fun behind the scenes footage on the creation of the charater, Natsumi. Make sure to check out the preview below!
Excited for the home video release? Hoping to maybe get an imported copy or a western release? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below! Weathering with You is set to release, in Japan, on May 27th!