Looking for Magical Doremi is a film inspired by the magical girl franchise Oremajo Doremi and created by the fans who grew up on the series. Rather than create a whole new story based on the characters and continue the long-running series, the creators decided to take a much more meta approach to the movie.
Centered around three young women, the film shows their day to day life as adulthood becomes more of a reality, and they have less time for the things they did when they were younger. One day, the three decide to take a trip to all of their favorite magical witch series locations, and what follows is a nostalgia trip for the characters and the viewer.
While the film has already been released in Japan, Toei Animation has decided to release the first six minutes of the for fans unable to see it in theaters! Without spoiling anything, the preview manages to show how the characters fare with their adult lives until the end of the video, which features a lovely flashback of their childhood enjoying Oremajo Doremi. At the same time, the movie's theme song plays in the background.
While nothing has been made official, one can still hope that the film will see a western release in some capacity. We would love to see your thoughts on the video and movie in the comments below!
The story follows 27-year-old Tokyo office worker Mire Yoshizuki who just returned to Japan, 22-year-old fourth-year college student Sora Nagase who aspires to be a teacher, and 20-year-old boyish, part-time Hiroshima okonomiyaki shop worker and freelancer Reika Kawatani. What draws together these three women from completely different walks of life are Magic Spheres. A "New Magical Story" begins when they are mysteriously brought together by chance and embark on a journey.
Looking for Magical Doremi is now playing in Japan!