Sonny Boy, the upcoming original Japanese anime television series, is set to begin streaming on Funimation next month (July)! To celebrate, they have released a brand new official teaser trailer (included below) to get fans excited.
The new series, animated by Madhouse (Death Parade, Overlord, One-Punch Man) and directed and written by Shingo Natsume, was announced earlier this year (April 28, 2021). The original character designs are provided by Hisashi Eguchi and Norifumi Kugai is adapting the designs for the animation.
The anime series is set to premiere next month, July 15th, and Ging Nang Boyz will perform the theme song for the series "Shōnen Shōjo".
What did you think of the teaser trailer? Will you be watching Sonny Boy next month? Let us know in the comments below!