In 2009, Hajime Isayama launched Attack on Titan in Kondansha's Bessatsu Shonen magazine. The series tells the story of a young man named Eren Yeager who, with his friends Armin and Mikasa, join the survey corps to fight off the titans; large humanoids who eat humans, that ate Eren's mother. The series was a major hit upon reelase and is still publishing. However, Isayama has stated that his plans on ending the series sometime this year.
in 2013, the manga released the anime adaption of the series by Wit Studio. The series was an instant classic, just like the manga, and has released three seasons, as of now. The anime has occassionally come under some criticism for taking too long to release between seasons, yet this has proven time and again to pay off due to its consistently stellar animation since its release. Recently, it was revealed that Wit Studio would no longer be animating the series and will be moving to MAPPA.
MAPPA is known for producing some highly stylistic anime, some examples include Dorohedoro and Yuri!! on Ice. Once the news broke that MAPPA was taking over, for the final seaosn, it was left with understandable questions of how the quality would change and the consistency. Yet all of those questions have washed away as a brand new trailer was released for the final season! Make sure to check out the awesome fight sequences and animation below!
Excited for the new season? Excited to see what MAPPA will bring to the series? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot!, and/or the user who contributed this post, may earn commissions or revenue through clicks or purchases made through any third-party links contained within the content above.