As anime fans are flummoxed over the divide of anime this season between Amazon's Anime Strike, CrunchyrollxFunimation and Netflix, it's pleasing to learn fairly early that at least one of Summer's most anticipated new shows fill stream on Crunchyroll.
Now anime fans will just have to sit and wait to find out where the likes of other Summer 2017 series such as Fate/Apocrypha, Hell Girl season 4, Saiyuuki Reload Blast and more are streaming. Hopefully Crunchyroll recovers to secure the majority of titles as ithe thought of paying for a subscription to Anime Strike, which you can't acquire without paying for Anime Prime is causing many Western anime fans to wonder if they should revert to the old days of illegal streaming sites.
After THE REFLECTION, some of the people in all parts of the world are discovered with super powers. Some become heroes, and others villains. How did the Reflection happen? What was the cause of it? With many unsolved mysteries, the world is lead into turmoil.
◎Creators:Stan Lee & Hiroshi Nagahama
◎Production Companies :POW! Entertainment & Studio DEEN
◎Project Specification :30-minute animation series