The Dragon Ball PR anime series will be based on the "Prison Planet" arc from Dragon Ball Heroes. The evil Saiyan from the game has a big focus on the new images, along with a name reveal.
The character's name is "Kanba", earlier reports and rumors were correct. Here is the official description:
"Evil Saiyan's name is confirmed to be カンバー/Kanbā, which is likely meant to be from the latter half cucumber. There's no real reason to be using "Kanba" over Cumber."
The Saiyan's name is a perfect fit, given various names in Dragon Ball lore are inspired from food. For instance, Vegeta comes from "vegetable" and Kakarot is a derivation from carrot.
The Universe Mission 2 from the game talks a bit about Kanba:
In the game opening, Fu watches as Goku, Vegeta and Beat encounter the Galaxy Soldiers. Beat turns Super Saiyan Blue and battles Zangya, while Vegeta battles Bido and Goku battles Kogu. Future Trunks shows up with Cooler, blasting Kogu from behind and knocking him away. However, Kanba suddenly shows up, his power alarming the Saiyan trio and leading Goku and Vegeta to becomes Super Saiyan Blue and Future Trunks to take on Super Saiyan Anger. The three prepare to attack Kanba, with Goku using a Kamehameha, Vegeta using a Final Flash and Future Trunks using Burning Attack.
Dragon Ball Heroes PR is set to premiere on July 1st.