Initially published in 2003, Hideaki Sorachi's Gintama is a wild, fourth-wall-breaking story about a samurai and his friends as they go on wild genre-hopping adventures. While the series recently concluded in 2019, the fanbase that has grown from its first volume (with 55 million copies in print) is massive and fiercely loyal.
Following the success of the manga, an anime was later greenlit that adapted the story from the comic while adding even more hilarious stories. In total, the anime released 367 episodes, not counting the films or the upcoming final film in the series Gintama The Final.
Recently, an announcement came from the official website of the film that states how the last movie will be based on the conclusion of the manga. While that may seem like a no-brainer, it does make one wonder what changes will be made to stay distinct from its source.
A 34 character art piece was also made for the film that can be seen below, with a tagline that reads, "Bye bye, Gin-san." We would love to hear your thoughts on the conclusion in the comments, and don't forget to check out the art still!
Gintama is a story of a handyman named Gintoki, a samurai with no respect for rules set by the invaders, who's ready to take any job to survive. He and his gang, however, are also among the very few who have not forgotten the morale of a swordsman. Wherever they go, all they do is to create troubles.
Gintama The Final will release in Japan on January 8th, 2021!, and/or the user who contributed this post, may earn commissions or revenue through clicks or purchases made through any third-party links contained within the content above.