My Hero Academia The Movie: World Heroes' Mission, the third anime film from the My Hero Academia franchise has released concept art focusing on the new stealth costumes for U-A's top 3 students, Deku, Bakugo and Todoroki. A previously released poster has shown that the trio will be teaming up with the #1 and #2 hero, Endeavor and Hawks.
The film is currently slated to hit theaters in Japan on August 6, 2021 after the project was first announced on November 29, 2020.
A teaser trailer revealed that Deku is apparently an internationally-wanted man but it's hard to imagine the green-haired All Might stan actually committing any crimes. Not much else if known about the film but as we get closer to the film's release date, expect more spoilery trailers to reveal plot details.
The fifth anime season of the manga's adaptation is currently being simulcast on Funimation and Crunchyroll while Adult Swim airs an English dub on Saturday nights. The fifth season will be two-cour, consiting of 25 episodes.