Earlier this month, it was confirmed that My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, the upcoming anime prequel spin-off to My Hero Academia, will premiere in Japan in April. The announcement was accompanied by a preview video that also revealed the three main character voice actors: Shuichiro Umeda as Koichi Haimawairi/The Crawler, Ikumi Hasegawa as Kazuho Haneyama/Pop☆Step, and Yasuhiro Mamiya as Oguro Iwao/Knuckleduster.
The reveals continued this week as the official social accounts for the anime revealed five more characters and their voice actors. The latest batch of visuals focuses on the pro heroes All Might, Eraser Head, Present Mic, Midnight, and Ingenium. All five characters will be voiced by their original My Hero Academia voice actors.
Kenta Miyake as All Might
Junichi Suwabe as Eraser Head
Hiroyuki Yoshino as Present Mic
Akeno Watanabe as Midnight
Masamichi Kitada as Ingenium
Written by Hideyuki Furuhashi and illustrated by Betten Court, My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is a prequel to Kohei Horikoshi's superhero manga My Hero Academia. Set five years prior to the main events of the original story, the story follows three vigilantes who help others despite not being licensed superheroes.
Haimawa KoichiHaimawari Koichiis a dull college student who has given up on his dream of becoming a hero . His secret pleasure is wandering around town in All Might cosplay, pretending to be a professional hero and helping people. Koichi lives an ordinary life, but he meets the self-proclaimed idol group Pop☆Step, who perform unauthorized guerrilla live shows, and the mysterious masked man Knuckleduster, who calls himself a "cleaner specializing in trash," and gets caught up in the activities of the "Vigilantes." Are these people who can save people illegally criminals who disrupt order, or vigilantes of justice?
The My Hero Academia: Vigilantes anime is produced by Bones Film with Kenichi Suzuki (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure chief director) as director. Series composition is by Yosuke Kuroda (My Hero Academia) with character designs by Takahiko Yoshida (Cells at Work!) and music by Yuki Hayashi, Shogo Yamashira, and Yuki Furuhashi.
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes will premiere in Japan on April 7, 2025. So far there's been no announcement about the U.S. premiere or English dubs. However, episodes of My Hero Academia usually premiered on Crunchyroll, so there's a good chance that the anime streaming service could also become home to this one as well.