The Naruto franchise is currently a light-years away from where it began back in 1997. The anime is long over, concluding in 2007 at a staggering 220 episodes before giving way to an anime adaptation of Naruto Shippuden. That anime also recently wrapped this past March at an even more impressive episode count of 500. But the franchise is such a crucial cornerstone of the anime and manga market that a new manga and anime starring Naruto's son is currently trying to the series' 20 years of momentum going. Is the time finally right for a live-action Naruto film?
The response to Scarlett Johansson's Ghost in the Shell would say 'No', but perhaps Lionsgate feels they can learn from Paramount's mistakes? Lionsgate sure didn't set the box office world on fire with Power Rangers but the studio seems determined to find a new franchise to replace The Hunger Games. As such, they've hired Jon and Erich Hoeber to pen a new draft of the screenplay for director Michael Gracey, who'll soon be making his directorial debut with Hugh Jackman's The Greatest Showman.