Ukyō Kodachi and Mikio Ikemoto formed a Bakuman-esque partnership to continue on the Naruto franchise with a new manga series that follows the Nine-tail hokage's son. The series has been going strong since May 2016, following the conclusion of Masashi Kishimoto's long run of 15 years on Naruto in November 2014.
Mysteriously, the 27th issue of Weekly Shonen Jump has revealed that an important announcement for Boruto will be revealed in the next issue of Jump, which hits newsstands on June 10. As any manga or anime fan can attest, such a teaser for a manga series can mean only three things, an anime adaptation is in the works, an anime film is in development or the manga is approaching its final arc. Witha Boruto anime series already releasing episodes weekly, that only leaves two options.
Be sure to check back to Anime Mojo for an update on the news. Our money is on another anime film, as its been four years since the release of Boruto: Naruto the Movie.